Griffin Pond Animal Shelter Dogs

Meet Billy

All about Billy

Billy is a 5 years, 2 months old male Pit Bull Terrier who weighs 67 pounds and has been with us for 1155 days.

Billy is likely the most misunderstood and overlooked dog in all of the shelter .

Because he doesn't like other dogs we hear the word "aggressive " thrown around as if it applies to him or others like him .

It couldn't be further from the truth .

Billy never met a stranger. He's affectionate and loving and ever so happy .

He bounces when he walks just bubbling over at the thought of being with a human . He can't contain his excitement .

He is completely overjoyed to be spending time with someone, playing fetch or frisbee, running under the sprinkler in the summer or just hanging in the gazebo .

He is , however, aware of other dogs and realizes that they make him feel uncomfortable and he doesn't want them in his immediate space .

So he would need to be the only dog in a home setting but he would give you all of the attention and love that a thousand dogs could bring .

Billy has been with us since September-of 2021 . He weighs 70 pounds and he's 4 1/2 years old .

He smiles for miles and it's unfair and unfortunate that he and his companions that don't like other dogs /cats are stigmatized and living in kennels because they would rather be homebodies than go to the dog park.

As a human, I choose a quiet , private life free from the stress of public environments which make me uncomfortable.

It's a good thing I don't have to live in a cage because of my choices.

Billy's adoption fee has been lovingly paid by someone who thinks he's extra special .

Please take a chance on this boy , he's larger than life and is so well loved by our staff.

If you are a human with an open mind and an open heart , please apply here :

Imaging waking up to this face each and every morning!

Photos (click for full-size)
Billy 1
Billy 2
Billy 3
Additional Information

Housetrained: Unknown or unspecified

Has lived with animals: No

Has lived with children: No

Site: Griffin Pond Animal Shelter

Location: Dog Adoption / Dog Adoption

On Hold: No

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