Griffin Pond Animal Shelter Dogs

Meet Dale

All about Dale

Dale is a 4 years, 2 months old male American Pit Bull Terrier who weighs 66 pounds and has been with us for 797 days.

My name is Dale. Don't you think I have a cute smile? I can be silly at times and love to make people laugh. I'm a good boy looking for a family."

Dale likes to go on walks, carry his bone everywhere, roll in the grass, and receive belly rubs. He is a very outgoing pup, but cautious. It takes him a little while to warm up to people. Once he gets to know you, he will be your friend for life.

He is very strong and sometimes pulls while walking on a leash. Dale is anxious coming out of the shelter and going back in. However, once he's on the road walking, he calms down.

He does not do well with other dogs or cats.
We are looking for a confident person to provide a home for this great dog. He will need someone that will allow him to be able to burn off his high energy.

If you think you can provide this for our Dale, please apply here:
Photos (click for full-size)
Dale 1
Dale 2
Dale 3
Additional Information

Housetrained: Unknown or unspecified

Has lived with animals: No

Has lived with children: No

Site: Griffin Pond Animal Shelter

Location: Side Rooms / Side Rooms

On Hold: No

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