As the niche world of pet photography continues to expand, we continue to be captivated.This most recent masterpiece isn’t a newborn shoot or a gender reveal. It’s a celebration of an adorable rescue pup getting a new start.According to ABC News, Owen the puppy was abandoned in a discarded fridge with his six siblings and mom.“From what we understand is that they were abandoned in the fridge,” Madison Luscombe, a board member at the South Plains SPCA in Texas, told ABC News. “We don’t know for sure if she had the puppies out there or not. I’m guessing someone dumped them out there with their mom.”
At the SPCA, Owen got the space and care he desperately wanted, but something was still missing. Enter Clarissa Quintana and her boyfriend, Ivan Figueroa, of Lubbock, Texas. The couple had been looking for the perfect rescue puppy for several weeks, visiting the SPCA multiple times, when they spotted Owen.
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Source: Puppy Rescued from Fridge Has Photoshoot with Family