Choose your spirit animals among these dogs that are too tuckered to continue. They may look active at first but as soon as you take time watching them, you’ll never stop laughing! Some of them are too lazy to get up and eat their breakfast while others are fighting the urge to sleep. (Social)
Here are the photos that will absolutely make your day! Enjoy!
Can someone give me a mug of strong coffee so I can have my eyes opened?
I’m okay here!
Lazy or genius?
I’m not trying to be funny here…
I’m all done for today!
Puppy’s best spot ever!
Hold on… I can make it…
Come on, come on, fall, fall, fall…
I’m too full and sleepy
I’m too sober!
Nope, I’m not sleeping, I’m sitting! Wait!… What?
Save me, my hero!
All of them are my spirit animal – (yawn) I feel like sleeping while looking at their pictures! SHARE this story to your friends so they can have their bad day changed.
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