In a YouTube video shared by Madison Blakely, a furry pup named Luke sprints to bed as soon as he hears the off-sound of the family’s living room TV.RELATED: Dog naps in bed with sleeping toddler in adorable videoBut this isn’t just a one time thing for the dog, as he does it every night.This pooch doesn’t need a bedtime prod or even a whistle, and forget enticing him with a treat. Because all you need to get this dog to sleep is a remote!RELATED: Should your pets sleep in the bed with you? A new study’s surprising answersThe clip has quickly become an Internet sensation — reaching nearly 900,000 views since Monday.We get the feeling, Luke. Sometimes we can’t hop in the bed fast enough, either.
Source: Watch this dog’s adorable sprint to bed when the TV goes off — night after night! –